Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Afternoon Papaya & Superfood Smoothie

I love juice and smoothies, but most of all I love Superfoods. I always get funny remarks from people that I eat and drink weird stuff, but until you've tried it you have no idea what these Superfoods does to your body and ENERGY. This particular smoothie includes Maca (a Peruvian root that enhances your strength and stamina (also have a reputation to work as an Aphrodisiac), Mesquite (helps a constant blood-sugar level for a sustained period of time) and finally Camu-Camu (contains more vitamin C than any other plant in the world - from 30 to 60 times more than an Orange).

This smoothie is simple and you don't need a juicer to make it.

1/4 large Papaya (save the rest for your Papaya Carpaccio)
2 oranges
1 banana
1 tablespoon Maca
1/2 tablespoon Camu-Camu
1/2 tablespoon Mesquite

Mix it to a smoothie and enjoy SLOWLY and on an EMPTY STOMACH, unless you like burping, then just flush it down.

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